black and white bed linen

Inclusión a través del deporte

Brindamos oportunidades de integración social y salud a personas en situación vulnerable mediante el deporte.

Nuestro Compromiso con la Inclusión

En Hecho Club Social, trabajamos para promover la inclusión y la integración social a través del deporte, ofreciendo apoyo médico y psicológico a personas en situación vulnerable.

Nuestra Misión
Nuestro Equipo

Cada año, representamos a Argentina en la Homeless World Cup, fomentando la salud y la educación en un ambiente inclusivo, centrado en el fútbol y sus valores de unión y superación.

Nuestros objetivos

Nuestro principal objetivo consiste en favorecer el proceso de integración social de personas excluidas a través de actividades deportivas.

Nuestros objetivos específicos son:

  1. Propender mejoras en la calidad de vida de personas que carecen de oportunidades.

  2. Promover el respeto de los derechos fundamentales de las personas.

  3. Desarrollar actividades deportivas diversas destinadas a personas excluidas.

  4. Concientizar a la comunidad de personas marginadas de la importancia del cuidado corporal.

  5. Programar actividades formativas y saludables que tiendan a la autoorganización de los hábitos psico-físicos personales

  6. Aprovechar la enorme fuerza motivacional del futbol para contribuir en la recuperación de las personas y en su vinculación con la sociedad.

  7. Promover el juego del futbol recreativo y competitivo para hombres y mujeres.

  8. Organizar la participación del equipo argentino en las sucesivas ediciones de la Homeless World Cup de futbol que auspicia la Red Internacional de Publicaciones de la Calle (INSP)

  9. Crear y fomentar una Liga de Futbol Calle.

  10. Coordinar reuniones, jornadas de capacitación, talleres y demás actividades complementarias para el desarrollo personal, laboral, formativo, de salud y ciudadano de cada uno de los participantes.

  11. Articular el trabajo con otras organizaciones populares, instituciones, organizaciones no gubernamentales o el estado, para lograr los fines planteados.

Inclusión y Deporte

Brindamos oportunidades de integración social a través del deporte y la educación para personas vulnerables.

Actividades Deportivas

Fomentamos la práctica del fútbol para promover la salud y la inclusión social.

Acompañamiento Integral

Ofrecemos apoyo médico y psicológico para el bienestar de nuestros participantes en el club.

Homeless World Cup

Representamos a Argentina en la Homeless World Cup, promoviendo la inclusión a nivel internacional.

Galería Inclusiva

Momentos destacados del fútbol y la integración social en acción.

Several athletes in sports attire are on an outdoor sports field, interacting and smiling. One individual in the foreground waves with a friendly expression, while another stands beside her, also smiling. They wear protective goggles and gear associated with lacrosse. The background features indistinct figures in dark clothing against a backdrop of stadium seating.
Several athletes in sports attire are on an outdoor sports field, interacting and smiling. One individual in the foreground waves with a friendly expression, while another stands beside her, also smiling. They wear protective goggles and gear associated with lacrosse. The background features indistinct figures in dark clothing against a backdrop of stadium seating.
A group of people are gathered on a sports field. Some individuals are dressed in athletic gear, including a woman in a red sports jersey and a man beside her in a blue jacket, appearing to be in conversation. Additional people in similar athletic clothing are visible in the background.
A group of people are gathered on a sports field. Some individuals are dressed in athletic gear, including a woman in a red sports jersey and a man beside her in a blue jacket, appearing to be in conversation. Additional people in similar athletic clothing are visible in the background.
A group of people, likely a sports team, is sitting together on a field. They are wearing matching athletic uniforms, suggesting team unity, and seem to be engaged in a discussion or meeting. In the background, there is sports equipment and a high fence.
A group of people, likely a sports team, is sitting together on a field. They are wearing matching athletic uniforms, suggesting team unity, and seem to be engaged in a discussion or meeting. In the background, there is sports equipment and a high fence.
A group of female athletes in matching burgundy sports uniforms are on a field, with one of them joyfully jumping and celebrating with a coach or fellow team member. The scene captures a moment of camaraderie and excitement. In the background, other team members are standing in a line, some holding sports equipment.
A group of female athletes in matching burgundy sports uniforms are on a field, with one of them joyfully jumping and celebrating with a coach or fellow team member. The scene captures a moment of camaraderie and excitement. In the background, other team members are standing in a line, some holding sports equipment.

Historias de vida

Descubre cómo Hecho Club Social transforma vidas a través del deporte.

Hecho Club Social me ha dado una nueva oportunidad y esperanza en la vida.

Juan Pérez
A group of athletes in sports attire appears to be in a joyful mood. One person is holding a field hockey stick and wearing a headband, while another carries a sports bag. They are gathered near a brick wall with trees in the background, sharing a light moment, likely after a sports event.
A group of athletes in sports attire appears to be in a joyful mood. One person is holding a field hockey stick and wearing a headband, while another carries a sports bag. They are gathered near a brick wall with trees in the background, sharing a light moment, likely after a sports event.

Buenos Aires

La inclusión y el apoyo emocional que recibí aquí cambiaron mi vida para siempre, gracias a Hecho Club Social por brindarme esta oportunidad única y valiosa.

A group of athletes in sportswear are on a green soccer field. Two individuals are interacting closely; one helps the other who is lying on the grass. Nearby, other athletes are stretching.
A group of athletes in sportswear are on a green soccer field. Two individuals are interacting closely; one helps the other who is lying on the grass. Nearby, other athletes are stretching.
María López

